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Twikling font

By Gene Gilmore at Aug 26, 2018
I hope you enjoy this font. Please feel free to use it for any thing you want to use it for. Twikling is a pretty cool font to use for free. Thank you, Gene Gilmore
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/t/916/1916/file/twikling.regular.otf") format("woff"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/t/916/1916/file/twikling.regular.otf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/t/916/1916/file/twikling.regular.otf") format("truetype");
Twikling Regular