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Be True To Your School II font

By HENRIavecunK at Dec 17, 2023
A new version of the popular "Be True to Your School"-font. This time with a really bold solid version. And a outline version. They can be used separately or on top of each other.

PayPal-donations of $5 (that's really cheap) or more gives you a commercial license (for both fonts) for 1-5 users, and if the font is made into a PRO version later on then you get a copy of that, free of any extra charge.

The donations will be used to buy a better font creation tool. To keep my sanity and to make even greater fonts.

Thanks for you support.
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Outline_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("woff"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Outline_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Outline_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("truetype");
Be True To Your School II Outline
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Solid_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("woff"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Solid_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/b/676/20676/file/BeTrueToYourSchoolII-Solid_FREE_FOR_PERSONAL_USE_ONLY.ttf") format("truetype");
Be True To Your School II Solid