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Staubach font

By abdulmakesfonts at Jul 14, 2018
One more sports font for you. This one I attempted to make like the jersey numerals that the Dallas Cowboys wore in their first dynasty in the '70s. I think it needs to be a little bit heavier, but I don't feel like doing any more surgery on it.
<style type="text/css">
    src:url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/s/16/16/file/staubach.regular.ttf") format("woff"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/s/16/16/file/staubach.regular.ttf") format("opentype"),
    url("https://dafonttop.com/wp-data/s/16/16/file/staubach.regular.ttf") format("truetype");
Staubach Regular